Acuity 360 - A Comprehensive Overview

Category: Acuity 360
Acuity 360 is changing the way we detect eye disease. Using the latest technology, we can detect early signs of eye disease such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retina disease. Watch this video to learn more about how Acuity 360's revolutionary technology has transformed the landscape in vision care.
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♪ [music] ♪ - [Dr. Samuel] Welcome to Acuity 360 Advanced Vision Center. My name is Doctor Michael Samuel.
- [Dr. Chang] I'm Doctor Tom Chang, and we're the co-founders of Acuity Eye Group. And what we try to do, we try to understand how we could use technology better. We realized that over the last 10 years, there's really been an explosion in technology that has been able to pick up disease in a far more sophisticated manner. It's really reached a point where technology is better at diagnosing disease than humans are.
You can separate normal patients from patients with disease with much more ease and accuracy with technology, with machinery.
- So our concept of Acuity 360 Advanced Vision Center is to take the best technology that's available, to give you the most comprehensive exam that you can have without drops, without dilation, and with the convenience and ease that has never been achieved before.
- And that's one of the key things that Mike brought up, which is we want convenience. What we realize is that people don't want to get eye exams. In fact, 6% of the population are walking around with potentially blinding conditions, but they don't know because they haven't been examined. And what we've done is we've taken the technology that doesn't require you to be dilated, so you are not blurred for the rest of the day.
We've taken this technology to commercial sites, so that in malls, in retail locations, so the patients can have ease of access. We've really taken away all the excuses that, conventionally, are brought up, in terms of why people don't get eye exams.
- So let's talk about some of the diseases that we can diagnose. The most common cause of blindness in younger Americans is diabetes. The number one cause of blindness in older Americans is macular degeneration, both of which can be picked up with today's exam. We also check for glaucoma, cataracts to take your pressure in the eye. We can look at the peripheral retina. We can look at the central vasculature. We can look at the peripheral tears, detachments, front-of-the-eye disease, dry eyes, cataract staging.
Really, a thorough, comprehensive experience. We hope you enjoy your experience at Acuity 360 today and we hope that you'll tell your friends and families about this new technology.
- Thank you.
- Thank you. ♪ [music] ♪ - [Dr. Bedrood] Hi, my name is Doctor Sahar Bedrood. I'm one of the glaucoma specialists at Acuity Eye Group. I wanted to discuss a little bit more about what glaucoma is, how we treat it, and what kind of services, both medical and surgical, we offer our patients.
Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. The optic nerve is actually a nerve. It's a cable that attaches all the cells from the eye to the brain. And for reasons we don't understand, in glaucoma, that nerve starts to degenerate with time. And one of the risk factors, one of the causes we think that contribute to this loss is the eye pressure.
So what we do in all of glaucoma is to actually lower the eye pressure because studies have shown that if we lower the eye pressure significantly, we can actually help slow down the visual field loss found in glaucoma. There are a number of ways that we lower eye pressure. First and foremost is the medical route, which is basically eye drops.
There are a plethora of eye drops that we use. If some people develop intolerances, we can play around with the drops to see what works for them. Secondly, we go to laser. There are certain types of laser modalities that we use in order to lower the eye pressure.
Then we go into more of the minimally invasive procedures that are done in the operating room. But they're short. They're low-risk. And really very, very quick recovery for the patients. And then, lastly, we have the more traditional surgeries. The glaucoma surgeries that really are effective at lowering pressure, but a little bit more of a surgery of an evolved case.
And those are the tubes and the trabeculectomies. Overall, I think that we're at a time in which we can really help our glaucoma patients. And we have so many different ways in which we can help that. The key is really to find glaucoma early, to screen for it early, and to start treatment.
And if you can do that, I think most glaucoma patients can live a very full life with most of their vision intact. ♪ [music] ♪ - [Dr. Stevens] Hello. My name is Jeffrey Stevens. I am an ophthalmologist and retina specialist with Acuity Eye Group here in southern California.
And I'm here to tell you about several systemic diseases which can affect your eye, your vision. In specific, your retina, which I specify in. And these diseases are very common. They're high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, in the United States, these two diseases are the causes of vision loss, and they can be prevented through treatment.
And so I urge you, if you don't see an ophthalmologist, you don't see a retinal specialist, you should get in yearly to get it checked. First off, when you're going to see your ophthalmologist, they'll check the back of the eye, the retina. I'm going to tell you a little bit about the retina. It's the portion of the back of the eye that senses vision, sees images, and it's reliant on blood supply.
If there is not good blood supply to the retina, then the retina won't work correctly. And in fact, the retina uses more blood than almost any other organ for its size. These diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure, affect the blood supply, directly.
They affect the vessels in the retina, in the back of the eye. ♪ [music] ♪ - [Dr. Wainess] Hello, I'm Doctor Reid Wainess. I'm going to talk to you today about Acuity Eye Care 360. Acuity 360 is our newest venture that really brings technology to the front of our eye-care model.
What we realize is patients don't have a great experience and don't have a great way to get health-screening exams for their eye diseases. And we wanted to find a way to really identify patients who have preventative eyecare needs. And really, 6% or so of Americans are walking around with preventative causes of blindness that are getting missed because of not coming in for eye exams. So we wanted to break down those barriers and use technology to find a way to really help patients pick up these problems earlier, so we can prevent blindness for people.
What we realize is you really want to be able to separate patients into two categories. People that are healthy and can be screened with technology every one to two years. And people who have diseases that need to be monitored more closely in the office. We also realize that each specialist with an ophthalmology has very high-level technology-based exams, but they only have the technology that is relevant to their specialty. So what we've done is we've taken all those pieces of technology from the different specialties, placed them in one center together, and made an efficient, fast, technology-based eye exam that you can get a full health-screening in 15 minutes or less, and find out just as much information, if not more than you can in the doctor's office.
One, you can come in, and a technician will run through the exams in about 15 minutes. You have multiple exams at once. So you can have a screening of your cornea, screening of your anterior chamber of your eye, which looks for things like glaucoma as well. It can pick up tumors of the eye. It can pick up blood clots in the eye, all sorts of different problems with retinal screening, glaucoma screening. We bundle those together, and we have a doctor review it off site, and they can call you to tell you if there's any issues with your exam or not.
If your eyes are healthy, you know you can come in a year later, two years later, get another screening exam. Or if you have any preventative causes of blindness, you can come to the office and get those treated to prevent any future problems. So Acuity 360, really, is a revolutionary way to change our eyecare model. It makes barriers to health care much lower. It makes it much easier to get an eye exam.
You don't have to have your eyes dilated, you don't have to have eye drops, which are two of the things patients hate about coming to see us. And you can really pick up a lot of problems that you would otherwise miss. ♪ [music] ♪ - [Dr. Solano] Hi, it's Doctor Solano here, with Acuity Eye Group. I wanted to take a minute and talk to you about the importance of eye exams, with how it relates to your general medical health.
There's a lot of diseases that we can pick up on screening as opthalmologists. Diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. One of the devices that helps us with that screening is the optomap. The advantage of the optomap is that it serves as a camera which allows us as doctors to see what the technician is looking at in real time.
The nice thing about the optomap is that we can capture those images without the need of having to dilate your eyes. So it's fast, painless, and very effective screening tool. The other nice thing that we have is what's called a DC4 camera. Again, this allows us to capture images of the eye, albeit a different portion of the eye.
This portion of the eye is the front of the eye, what we call the anterior chamber. These images are captured with a slit lamp with the aid of the technician. And again, those images can be forwarded to the physician for screening. ♪ [music] ♪